Dad on Father's Day

Ntention Talk: Honoring our time in ‘dadhood’

To My Fellow Dad,

Congratulations on being you. You carry the most fulfilling title of Dad. While it does not always come with peace of mind and confidence, it is a role you have been blessed with and can cherish throughout your life. I want you to remember that every day, you are seen, you are heard, and you are admired. Through your children’s eyes, you are a hero, a superman. You are strong, determined, hard-working, dedicated, and driven to uphold the role in the most delicate way possible. Your character defines you. Your love lifts you. And your time is valued.

Let us dedicate this Father’s Day to honoring our time by pausing, prioritizing, and purposefully managing it in the most intentional of ways while giving it to those that we unconditionally love, and those that love us — our children.

This year, let us take the time to honor less doing and more giving. The culture of doing has been an epidemic of lost connections. For many of us, doing holds us back in our efforts to be present and purposeful in caring for the well-being of our families. The days of over-scheduling, overworking and over-stressing must end.

And so I challenge you, as I challenge myself, to give up this Father’s Day the doing mentality, and refocus your energy on giving yourself the gift of time, quality time. That’s right — no social media, no alcohol, no tv — nothing that creates a sense of distraction from gaining presence in your life. Instead, give to your children, your wife, and your dads the gift of slowing down and sharing a day full of laughter, love, and connection that embodies the meaning of “dadhood.”

To help you along your way, try these five simple shifts to create greater quality of your time this Father’s Day:

    1.    Pause and Plan a Purposeful Day

    2.    Be Grateful for the NOW Moments

    3.    Less Talk, Less Do-ing, More Experiencing

    4.    Let your children guide the trajectory of your day

    5.    Remove ALL Distractions and Be Present

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