This is the parent category for all news reports on health-care related topic: both reports and features. Anything that is written by a Coast News reporter or guest reporter, in AP style, will go in this category.

Pharmacists are at increased risk for suicide, a UC San Diego study recently found
Contributing factors to suicide amongst pharmacists outlined in the report include a history of mental illness and a high prevalence of job problems. Stock photo

Pharmacists at increased risk of suicide, UC San Diego study finds

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

REGION — Pharmacists are at greater risk than the general population to commit suicide, a fact that may be exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, according…

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The study found a correlation between more time dedicated to early childhood learning from ages 3 to 5 and better test scores as teenagers. Courtesy photo
The study found a correlation between more time dedicated to early childhood learning from ages 3 to 5 and better test scores as teenagers. Courtesy photo

UCSD study finds adult skills correlate to early childhood learning

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

REGION — Skills people possess later in life may develop early in childhood, and there can be significant differences in skill sets depending on gender,…

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Scripps Memorial La Jolla, Scripps, level 1 trauma center san diego
Scripps Memorial La Jolla joins two other Level 1 adult trauma centers in San Diego County — Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego and UC San Diego Medical Center. Courtesy photo

Scripps Memorial La Jolla now Level 1 trauma center

By City News Service REGION — Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla was verified as a Level 1 trauma center, the highest designation awarded by the…

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Crossfit Counter Culture
Tony Hutchinson, second from left, is a CrossFit Counter Culture instructor in Encinitas. Courtesy photo

North County ups fitness game with CrossFit Counter Culture

CrossFit Counter Culture is bringing CrossFit to North County with the intent of showing people a world of better fitness. CrossFit is a physical exercise…

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Mia Irvine, 7, of Oceanside is currently battling childhood leukemia. Mia's treatment requires her to receive two bags of blood each week, but a regional and national shortage of blood donations could eventually impact her treatments. Photo courtesy of the Irvine family
Mia Irvine, 7, of Oceanside is currently battling childhood leukemia. Mia's treatment requires her to receive two bags of blood each week, but a regional and national shortage of blood donations could eventually impact her treatments. Photo courtesy of the Irvine family

Blood shortage requires more donations across county

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

REGION — Every week, Trinity Irvine and her 7-year-old daughter, Mia, make the drive from Oceanside to Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego for the…

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